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Sindoh Artist Support Program

Seung Woo Back Solo Exhibition <100% Comments> Sindoh Cultural Space is proud to present , a solo exhibition of the works of Seung Woo Back, one of the artists selected for the 8th SINAP (Sindoh Artist Support Program). Back majored in photography at Chung-Ang University, and completed his masters in fine art and theory at Middlesex University in London, U.K. The exhibition introduces a series of Back’s 100% Comments works, which he created ..
Kijong Zin Solo Exhibition <21c Taxidermist> Sindoh Cultural Space is delighted to present , a solo exhibition of the works of Kijong Zin. As the artist selected for the 8th SINAP (Sindoh Artist Support Program), Zin looks at a range of contemporary social and political issues and poses questions from a neutral point of view, and reconstructs them through a variety of media. This exhibition will be a great occasion for the public to apprec..
Park Minjoon Solo Exhibition <Rapport Circus> Sindoh Cultural Space is proud to present Rapport Circus, a solo exhibition by Park Minjoon. The exhibition is based on a story written by the artist himself about two brothers, Rapo and Rapu, who are circus clowns. Rapo, the elder brother, never ceases to attract the attention of the spectators, while his younger sibling always follows him around like his shadow. The artist depicts the characte..
Sindoh Cultural Space <Lee Myeong-ho Solo Exhibition> Sindoh Cultural Space is hosting the private exhibition of Lee Myeong-ho. This exhibition will be a window into the ironic relations of the Mirage series intending to show surreal images such as mirage as well as the Tree series pursuing revelation of pure reality. ▲ Tree… #5, Ink on paper, 124x104cm, 2013 Renowned for photographs containing both poetic and philosophical ideas, Lee Myeong-ho sho..
Solo Exhibition of Yang Jeong-wook Yang Jeong-wook, the artist supported by the 7th SINAP (Sindoh Artist Support Program), holds a solo exhibition at Sindoh Cultural Space Titled , the exhibition will be a good opportunity to experience the artistic agony and efforts for more effective expression as it features drawings that served as the basis of past and current works with which Yang expressed daily life with repeated but irreg..
Artists from the 8th SINAP Now in its 8th iteration this year, the Sindoh Artist Support Program (SINAP) designated the artists of the year in November and held a certification ceremony at its Seoul HQ. Sindoh Artist Support Program In an effort to facilitate the globalization of Korean modern art by fostering young artists, Sindoh has been running its own SINAP (Sindoh Artist Support Program) since 2011. The program desi..
SINAP: Sindoh’s Korean Contemporary Artist Support Program As a representative company specializing in 2D & 3D printers in Korea, Sindoh has been operating the Sindoh Artist Support Program (SINAP) since 2011. The program is intended to support the creative activities of young artists and cultivate young creative talents who will lead Korean contemporary art. ▲ 7th SINAP Artist Certification After conducting evaluation based on the excellence and comple..
현대 미술 작가 지원 프로그램 ‘SINAP’, 제5회 인증서 수여식 안녕하세요, 신도리코의 신대리입니다. 신도리코가 제5회 SINAP 작가 선정과 인증서 수여식을 개최했습니다. SINAP은 ‘Sindoh Artist Support Program’의 약자로, 한국 현대미술의 세계화를 향한 미술인재 양성을 위해 2011년 가헌신도재단에서 제정한 프로그램입니다. 올해로 제5회째 새로운 변화와 도전을 멈추지 않는 예술가들의 창작활동을 지원하고 있습니다. 2015년 제5회 SINAP은 엄정한 심사를 통해 주제의식, 실험성, 예술적 완성도와 지속적 활동 가능성 등을 주안점으로 평가했습니다. 해외 심사위원으로는 현재 뉴욕 ‘뉴뮤지엄’의 부관장과 밀라노에 소재한 ‘니콜라 트루사르니 미술재단’의 아트디렉터를 역임하고 있는 마시밀리아노 지오니(Massimiliano Gioni)가 참여했습..
제 3회 SINDOH 작가지원 프로그램(SINAP)이 열립니다 안녕하세요, 신대리입니다. 여러분, 오늘은 문화경영을 실천하는 신도리코의 제 3회 작가지원 프로그램 SINAP (Sindoh Artist Support Program) 소식을 알려드립니다. ^^ 신도리코는 직원들의 창조성과 감수성을 높이기 위해 1999년부터 서울본사와 아산공장에 사내 문화공간을 운영해왔는데요. 사내 곳곳에도 국내외 다양한 작가들의 작품을 전시하며 직원들의 문화적 감성을 높이는 데 앞장서 왔습니다. 이처럼 문화 예술이 가지는 순기능에 주목해온 신도리코가 문화사업의 폭을 넓혀 젊은 작가의 예술활동에 대한 실질적으로 효율적인 지원 사업을 진행하고자, 2011년 작가지원 프로그램인 SINAP을 제정하고 한국 현대 미술의 미래를 이끌 작가를 후원하고 있습니다. SINAP은 국내외에서 활동하는 우..